Academic Institutions
University of Agder
For more than three decades, University of Agder (UiA) holds the distinctive position of being the only educational institution in Norway to offer a comprehensive range of programs in Mechatronics, spanning from the Bachelor to the Doctoral level. Particularly, in offshore applications, such as drilling, lifting, and load-handling (offshore mechatronics systems), UiA's contributions have been substantial, driven by demand from the national industry. This has propelled UiA's offshore mechatronics expertise to world-class standards, especially within motion control of hydraulically actuated applications. The mechatronics landscape at UiA is unparalleled in Norway, with its Top Research Centre Mechatronics (TRCM), the Mechatronics Innovation Lab (MIL), the national research infrastructure Motion Lab, and the comprehensive mechatronics educational program.
Jon Lilletuns vei 9, 4879 Grimstad,
Tel: +47 920 13 462
Contact Person: Dr. Daniel Hagen
Wrocław University of Science and Technology (TU Wrocław)
Wrocław University of Science and Technology (TU Wrocław) is one of Poland's leading scientific and educational centers. Currently, 21,498 people (including 1,427 from abroad), 227 PhD students, and 604 people at the Doctoral School study there under the supervision of 2,306 academic teachers at 14 Faculties. Students can choose from 70 different fields of study under the first and second cycle degree programs, many in English. Research at TU Wrocław is conducted and evaluated in 14 disciplines in four fields of science.
TU Wrocław pursues a strategy that aims to adapt the activity of the university to the needs of the economy and society. Each year, the university files a number of patents and investigates the possibility of licensing them to companies. Cutting–edge research is conducted by university staff in well-equipped laboratories in cooperation with many domestic and foreign companies from around the world, including Google, Capgemini, Nokia, 3M, COMARCH, KGHM, Volvo, and Ryanair.
Website: Politechnika Wrocławska (
Laboratory of Working Machines and Fluid Systems Diagnostics (MechLab) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TU Wrocław
Laboratory of Working Machines and Fluid Systems Diagnostics (MechLab) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TU Wrocław, has long-term cooperation with many Polish entrepreneurs and boasts extensive experience in research and development services. MechLab team uses expert knowledge to describe and explain real phenomena in machines, devices, and technical systems, simultaneously striving to make new solutions.
The MechLab team provides high-quality research and development services and a professional approach at every stage of cooperation. The research is conducted mainly in the area of new solutions for hydrostatic drives and components, dynamic phenomena of fluids flow in systems, analysis of dynamic and thermal phenomena, and monitoring of the condition of machines and operation processes.
Website: MechLab - MechLab (
Aalborg University, Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems

The Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems section in the Department of Energy Technology, at Aalborg University in Denmark, carries out research at the highest international level in the field of efficient, intelligent and reliable fluid power components and systems. Research activities include fluid power systems and components, cylinder drive technology, advanced control of servo systems, fault diagnosis, tribology in fluid power and digital fluid power.
Reach Us:
Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, Department of Energy Technology
Aalborg University
Pontoppidanstraede 111
9220 Aalborg East
Tel: +45 31234812
Contact Person: Assoc. Prof. Per Johansen
Laboratoire Ampère, INSA Lyon

The Fluid Power research activity started in Lyon about 30 years ago initiated by the Professor Serge Scavarda. Until 2007, this research group was part of the Laboratoire d'Automatique Industrielle (LAI) of the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées of Lyon (INSA). In 2007, it merged with the CEntre de Génie Electrique LYonnais (CEGELY) and a microbiology group to form a joint laboratory among the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), INSA Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon and University Lyon I. The Ampère Lab is made up of 3 departments collaborating on 8 scientific priorities. The research activities are funded by the government, institutional funding and industry at around 3 500 00 € per annum. The Lab is staffed by a director, 50 academics, 10 full researchers (CNRS), 20 support staff (8 CNRS), 11 post-docs, and about 100 Ph.D. students.
Research activity in Fluid Power: The study of the transmission of power using a fluid (oil, water or gas) constitutes, with electrical power transmission, complementary aspects to one of the major research problems at the present time, that is to say, the design of energy efficient systems. From this point of view, the Ampère Lab is unique in France since it has a recognized expertise in all these technologies for power transmission. This expertise is essential when considering the previous economic and scientific issues. The research in Power Transmission and Control is divided into 3 main scientific areas: multi-domain and multi-scale modeling, methods, and tools for system design, system control. The specificity of our research is to deal with multidisciplinary aspects on the theoretical viewpoint as well as on the experimental side.
Reach Us:
Laboratoire Ampère
25 avenue Jean Capelle
69100 Villeurbanne
Tel: (+33)472438978
Contact Person: Prof. Eric Bibeaux
Centre for Power Transmission and Motion Control

The Centre for Power Transmission and Motion Control (PTMC) has a world-leading reputation as a centre of excellence in many aspects of fluid power, actuation, and the dynamics and control of electro-mechanical systems.
The Centre undertakes research, runs CPD courses and offers consultancy services to industry. Every year since 1988 the Centre has hosted or co-hosted an international symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control (FPMC). It is also a founder member of the Fluid Power Centres of Europe (FPCE), a grouping of the foremost research institutions in the field.
Reach Us:
University of Bath
Claverton Down
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1225 386115
Contact Person: Prof. Andrew Plummer
Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power

The Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (aka CCEFP) is a network of fluid power research laboratories, academic faculty, graduate and undergraduate students at several U.S. universities. The Center’s vision is make fluid power the technology of choice for power generation, transmission, storage, and motion control. CCEFP achieves this vision by focusing on two key objectives: 1) Leading a pre-competitive research strategy focused on industry needs, the CCEFP seeks to transfer its research discoveries to industry. Commercialized research results will bring transformational changes to fluid power’s current and future markets. 2) Educating the next generation of fluid power leaders for industrial or academic careers.
CCEFP coordinates pre-competitive research in three thrust areas:
1) Efficiency ‒ addressing the technical barriers associated with increasing the energy efficiency of fluid power components and systems, as well as efficient control and energy management through fluid power.
2) Compactness ‒ addressing the technical barriers associated with compacting or integrating power supplies, energy storage devices, and other components.
3) Effectiveness ‒ addressing the technical barriers associated with making fluid power safer, easier-to-use, leak-free and quiet.
Reach Us:
Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota
111 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Tel: +(1) 612-626-7168
Contact Person: Kim A. Stelson, College of Science and Engineering Distinguished Professor and Director
Cracow University of Technology

Laboratory of Techno-Climatic Research and Heavy Duty Machines
Reach Us:
Cracow University of Technology - Laboratory of Techno-Climatic Research and Heavy Duty Machines
al. Jana Pawla II 37
PL 31-864 Krakow
Tel: +(48) 12 374 3405
Contact Person: Dr Andrzej Czerwiński
Institute of Technische Universität Darmstadt

Institute of Technische Universität Darmstadt
Reach Us:
Institute of Technische Universität Darmstadt
Otto-Berndt-Str. 2, 64287 Darmstadt
Tel: +49 6151 16 27105
Contact Person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter F. Pelz
Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems (Fluidtronics) at the Institute of Mechatronic Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden
Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems (Fluidtronics) at the Institute of Mechatronic Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden
Reach Us:
Institute of Mechatronic Engineering at Technische Universität Dresden
Helmholtzstrasse 7a, 01069 Dresden
Tel: + 49 351 463-33559
Contact Person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Weber, Director
Harbin Institute of Technology

Harbin Institute of Technology
Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) was founded in 1920. From its beginning, HIT has received preferential support from the central government. In 1954, the Ministry of Higher Education designated, for the first time, six national key universities. HIT was the only one of the six outside of Beijing. In 1984, HIT again found its way onto the list of 15 national key universities to receive special support. In 1996, HIT was among the first group of universities to be included in Project 211. This project targets 100 institutions of higher education in China to receive preferential support for development in order to become world-class universities in the 21st century. In 1999, HIT was listed as one of the top nine key universities in China. This distinction provided HIT with the opportunity to develop into a highly-competitive first-rate university with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and the Heilongjiang Provincial Government.
Reach Us:
Harbin Institute of Technology
Box 3040
No 2 Yikuang street
Nangang District, Harbin, 150001
Tel: +(86)45186418318
Contact Person: Prof. Songjing Li (Head of department)
Hua Zhong University of Science & Technology

Hua Zhong University of Science & Technology
Reach Us:
Hua Zhong University of Science & Technology
Luoyu Road,
Tel: +(86)27-87558294
Contact Person: Prof. Liu Yinshui

The Institute of Sciences and Technologies for Sustainable Energy and Mobility (CNR STEMS) of the National Research Council is active since October 1st 2020. The new institute merges the Motor Institute (CNR IM), The Institute for Research on Combustion (CNR IRC) and the Institute for Agricultural and Earthmoving Machines (CNR IMAMOTER). The Institute belongs to the Department of Engineering, ICT and Technologies for Energy and Transport and has offices in Naples, Ferrara and Turin. STEMS is a research hub for sustainable energy and mobility issues with over one hundred researchers. STEMS research activities are carried out with the aim of giving effective responses to the challenges related to climate, energy and mobility that are closely linked and must be addressed with a holistic approach, also with regard to their implications for citizens and in general for society as a whole.
The Secondary Unit in Ferrara, formerly IMAMOTER, is active in the field of agricultural, off-road and construction equipment, with particular emphasis on fluid power, power transmission, electronic control and design, robotics, autonomous machines, vibro-acoustics, computational fluid dynamics, sensors, nano-materials and EC type certification.
Reach Us:
CNR STEMS – Ferrara Branch office Institute of Sciences and Technologies for Sustainable Energy and Mobility
Via Canal Bianco 28 44124 Ferrara - Italy
Tel: +39 0532 735611
Contact Person: Ing. Pietro Marani
Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems of RWTH Aachen University

The Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems (ifas) of RWTH Aachen University is one of the world’s largest and best known scientific institutions conducting research in all aspects of fluid power. This includes hydraulics and pneumatics, as well as all of its fields of application. To be equipped for the future, current research includes areas such as information technology, servo-control engineering, electrical engineering, tribology and chemistry on top of mechanical engineering.
Environmental, safety, and health regulations, as well as increasing industrial consumer requirements, necessitate a continuous development of sustainable and efficient fluid power technology. Greater environmental awareness and new technologies, e.g., mechatronic systems, preventative maintenance, additive manufacturing, biomedical applications, surface coating techniques and modern information technologies, offer new perspectives and fields of application for fluid power systems.
The highly motivated team of aspiring young scientists takes on the challenges presented by this extensive and diversified field of study. The institute’s multiple and profound national and international connections with manufacturers and users of fluid power components and systems, as well as other research facilities, ensure that its activities are leading the way into the future of research, development, and education of fluid power systems.
Reach Us:
Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems of RWTH Aachen University
Campus-Boulevard 30
D-52074 Aachen
Tel.: +49 241 80 47710
Fax: +49 241 6 47712
Contact Person: Prof. Katharina Schmitz
Institute of Mobile Machines and Commercial Vehicles

Our Mission and objective is to lay the methodical and technical foundation for the next generation of mobile systems considering processes, drive-lines, machines and procedures. In this systemic context, approaches in increasing efficiency and intelligent cross-linking are investigated in particular.
Reach Us:
Institute of Mobile Machines and Commercial Vehicles
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Langer Kamp 19a
38106 Braunschweig
Tel: +49 (0) 531 391-2672
Fax: +49 (0) 531 391-5951
Contact Person: Prof. Dr. Ludger Frerichs
Institute of Machine Design and Fluid Power

The Institute of Machine Design and Fluid Power belongs to the Mechatronics Department of Johannes Kepler University Linz. It's research focus is on fluid power drives with emphasis on modeling and simulation of fluid power systems and special phenomena, such as wave propagation, fluid structure interaction, or fluid stiction, digital fluid power systems and components and special fluid power systems, frequently in cooperation with industry.
Reach Us:
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Institute of Machine Design and Fluid Power
Altenbergerstraße 69
4040 Linz, Austria
Phone: +43 732 2468 6521
Contact Person: Prof. Gudrun Mikota
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie | Institut für Fahrzeugsystemtechnik | Teilinstitut Mobile Arbeitsmaschinen

With more than 9,000 employees and an annual budget of about EUR 785 million, KIT is one of the biggest research and education institutions worldwide and has the potential of reaching a top position in selected research areas on an international level. The objective is to turn KIT into an institution of top research, excellent scientific education, and a prominent location of academic life, life-long learning, comprehensive advanced training, unrestricted exchange of know-how, and sustainable innovation culture. The endowed Chair of Mobile Machines "MOBIMA" at KIT is unique in its setup in Germany and is internationally recognized as a professional consultant for questions in the field of mobile machines. The stated goal is the research on future concepts. Students and young scientists are being inspired by mobile equipment and the industry is scientifically accompanied from idea to implementation.
Reach Us:
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Institut für Fahrzeugsystemtechnik | Teilinstitut Mobile Arbeitsmaschinen
Rintheimer Querallee 2
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Phone: +49 721 608 48601
Fax: -
Contact Person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Geimer
LABSON ( Fluid Power Lab) of Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Reach Us:
CATMech - Fluids Division at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Edifici TR4- Terrassa Campus - Colom 11
08222 Terrassa (Barcelona)
Tel: +(34) 93 7398085
Contact Person: Prof. Pedro Javier GAMEZ-MONTERO
Contact person e-mail:
Laboratory of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems

LASHIP - Laboratory of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Catarina has a structure focused on attending university activities of education, research and services. The LASHIP’s team is involved with undergraduate education since 1977 and graduate education and research on hydraulic and pneumatic components and systems since 1984. The research funds are from government projects and partnerships with industries. Besides the infrastructure in equipment and facilities, it is established a group made by 4 professors and about 15 people among research engineers and graduate and undergraduate students connected through institutional projects and industry.
Reach Us:
Federal University of Santa Catarina
Campus Universitário, Trindade
88040-900, Florianópolis, SC
Tel: +55 48 3721 9396
Contact Person: Prof. Victor J. De Negri
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT University) – Laboratory of Intelligent Machines

Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT University) – Laboratory of Intelligent Machines
Reach Us:
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT University) – Laboratory of Intelligent Machines
P.O.Box 20
FI-53851 Lappeenranta
Tel: -
Contact Person: Prof. Heikki Handroos
Linköping University, Division of Fluid and Mechatronic Systems
Flumes – Division of Fluid and Mechatronic Systems at Linköping University is the leading fluid power research and education division in Sweden. We strive to develop methods to reduce energy losses in the technical system containing hydraulics and to develop smarter and more energy efficient hydraulic systems and components. The common field which connects all areas is the strong simulation technology developed at the division.
Reach Us:
Linköping University
581 83 Linköping
Tel: +46 13 28 17 92
Contact Person: Prof. Petter Krus
Maha Fluid Power Research Center

Maha Fluid Power Research Center, sponsored by Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana, is the largest academic hydraulics lab in the USA. With 15,000 square feet of space, the top minds in fluid power conduct world-class research on hydraulic pumps, motors, and systems -- both computer modeling, and real-world experimentation. The lab currently hosts dozens of ongoing projects, both from academia and industry.
Maha Fluid Power Research Center was formed in 2004 from a $4 million endowment from fluid power pioneer Otto Maha. Dr. Monika Ivantysynova moved from TUHH in Hamburg-Harburg, Germany to become Maha's director, where she served until her passing in 2018.
Reach Us:
Maha Fluid Power Research Center
Purdue University
1500 Kepner Dr.
Lafayette 47905-6578 IN, USA
Phone: +1 (765) 430 0081
Contact Person: Prof. Andrea Vacca
University of Missouri

The Rolf Fluid Power Laboratories located within the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Missouri (MU) provide ample space, power resources, and technician support for conducting a wide range of scientific and engineering investigations related to hydraulic control systems and machine design. This lab is approximately 1,000 square feet with an 18 foot ceiling and employs the services of electrical and mechanical disciplines. A local machine shop and an electrical shop within the College of Engineering are in place to support the construction and maintenance of specialized experimental setups for this facility. Hydraulic power units in the lab are capable of providing 200 hp at 6,000 psi and flow rates as high as 60 gallons per minute. Instrumentation in the lab, allows for accurate measurements of pressure, flow, viscosity, temperature, force, speed, torque, displacement, and other parameters in experimental setups.
Reach Us:
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Missouri
Missouri 65211
Tel: +( 1) 573-882-0693
Contact Person: Prof. Noah Manring
University of Naples "Federico II"
The “Fluid Power Research Group – FPRG” is one of groups belonging to the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Naples “Federico II”. The group works on the optimization and design of new components in the hydraulic field. It has been founded by the Full Professor Adolfo Senatore and includes Students, Ph.D. Students, Post-Docs and foreign collaborators. The headquarters of the FPRG is in Naples, Via Claudio 21 – 80125, Italy. The Group has research collaborations with important national and international Industrial Partners and Universities, like University of Minnesota, Purdue University, Zhejiang University, Duplomatic Oleodinamica SpA, Continental Hydraulic Inc., Ferrari SpA, Casappa, Lombardini Kohler Group SpA, Aprilia Racing, Abete Srl, Protom, CNR – Istituto Motori, FCA, Mathers Hydraulics and others. The team is also involved in national and international projects funded by public institutions (Italy and Europe) and private companies. The FPRG in 2016 has won, with others partners, a European project in Horizon 2020 for the design of an innovative lubrication system for Rolls Royce. From 2016, the Group is officially part of the Global Fluid Power Society (GFPS - as one of the Academic Institutions. The research group has a long experience in the fluid power field working both with modeling and experimental techniques. Experimentation is mostly on pumps and valves for the engines’ hydraulic systems. However, thanks to the collaboration with Tecno Fluid Service (one on the team’s partners), the team is able to tests also high displacement pumps. The Group has developed several innovative modeling techniques using mono-dimensional three-dimensional CFD approaches. More than forty scientific papers have been written over the last three years, mostly on international journals.
Reach Us:
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
DII Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
via Claudio 21
80125 Napoli
Tel: +39 333 66 13 820
Contact Person: Dr. Emma Frosina
Samara National Research University

The Department of Power Plant Automatic Systems belongs to the Institute of Engine and Power Plant Engineering of Samara National Research University (Samara State Aerospace University before 2016) named after academician S.P. Korolev (Samara University). The scientific and education activity of Samara University encompasses aerospace technologies, engine-building, and modern methods of information processing, as well as the fundamental technical and natural sciences and the humanities. It is one of the fastest-developing Russian institutions of higher education. The Department of Power Plant Automatic Systems is carrying on education and research in the fields of fluid power systems, control engineering, mechatronics, and robotics. The education activity of the Department includes training undergraduates and engineers in the field of automatic control for aircraft engines, as well as in fuel supply systems and hydraulic systems of aircraft. Our education process is aimed at developing competences in the analysis and design of mechatronic units and systems for various applications including but not limited to aerospace technology. Aircraft hydraulic systems and engine fuel control have been being our main research objects since 1960th. The research is mainly focusing on the problems of ensuring quality requirements for dynamic processes in the fluid power and fuel systems, reducing noise and vibroacoustic loads in it, developing methods and means for a proper correction of dynamic performances of hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Today all research activity of the Department is carried out in the research Centre for Vibroacoustics of Machines. The Centre comprises several laboratories equipped with up-to-date test rigs and instrumentation.
Reach Us:
Samara National Research University
34 Moskovskoye shosse
443086 Samara
Russian Federation
Tel: +( 7) 846 335 19 05
Contact Person: Prof. Viktor Sverbilov
South China University of Technology

South China University of Technology (SCUT) is one of the leading universities in China, with its establishment directly affiliated to the Chinese Ministry of Education. Located in the city of Guangzhou, a thriving metropolis in South China, it today covers a total area of 294 hectares, consisting of two campuses: the Wushan Campus and the University Town Campus.After over 60 years of development, SCUT has become a multi-disciplinary university, merging science, engineering, business management, arts and social science, medicine and other disciplines into one integration. Since its founding, it has educated over 350,000 graduates at all levels. Large numbers of SCUT alumni have made major contributions to the country and the world, especially in fields of economy, technology, management and education.
Reach Us:
South China University of Technology
Room 408,Building #30
381 Wushan Road
Tianhe District, Guangzhou, 510641
Tel: +86 13640338486
Contact Person: Prof. Yajun Liu
Politecnico di Torino – Department of Energy

The Fluid Power Research Laboratory (FPRL) at the Department of Energy (DENERG) was founded in the middle 1980s and completely rebuilt in the early 2000s within the “High Quality Laboratories” project of the Politecnico di Torino. The staff has specific competencies on modeling, simulation and testing of fluid power components and systems. Main research fields are the development of 0D and 3D models of positive displacement machines, in particular, gerotor, vane and piston pumps. The laboratory is equipped with test rigs for lubricating pumps, industrial pumps and motors up to 100 kW and electro-hydraulic servovalves. The Politecnico di Torino has a long tradition in the teaching of Fluid Power in Italy. Since 1979, about 10,000 students have attended specific Fluid Power courses. In this context, the FPRL plays a fundamental role in the laboratory experiences grounded on dedicated didactic test rigs.
Reach Us:
Department of Energy - Fluid Power Research Laboratory
Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24
10129, Turin
Tel: +39 011 090 4406
Contact Person: Prof. Massimo Rundo
Tampere University - Laboratory of Innovative hydraulics and automation
What we are doing: Innovative Hydraulics and Automation (IHA) is doing interdisciplinary research in the field of Fluid power automation, by the bridging of theory and practice with cooperation with industry.
Reach Us:
Tampere University
Laboratory of Innovative hydraulics and automation
P.O.Box 589
FI-33014 Tampere University
Tel: +358408490512
Contact Person: Dr. Tatiana Minav
Yokohama National University

Reach Us:
Yokohama National University official website (
Yokohama National University
79-5 Tokiwadai
Yokohama City
Tel: +81 45 339 3877
Contact Person: Prof. Kazushi SANADA