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GFPS Webinar Series - 2nd Webinar: TU Dresden

Dr. Juergen Weber has succesfully delivered the second webinar on Fluid-Mechatronic Systems at TU Dresden, offering valuable insights and discussions. To visualize his presentation a pdf version is available for download below. 

GFPS Webinar 2025 03 Fluidtronik DD & CFLab.pdf

Stay tuned for upcoming webinars in this series!

GFPS Webinar Series

We are happy to launch a new initiative: the GFPS Monthly Webinar Series. Each 60-minute webinar will showcase the expertise of a member institution on a selected topic, to give insights, and inspire discussions among GFPS members. The webinars will take place on the first Monday of each month at 10 AM US ET, except for holidays, according to the calendar below (please check for updates). We encourage all members to actively contribute to this exciting initiative!

FPMC 2024 GFPS Best Paper Award

We are happy to announce the GFPS Best Paper Award was given at the 2024 FPMC, the recipients are: Martin Herrera Perez, Grey Boyce-Erickson, Jonatan Pozo Palacios, John Voth, Paul Michael, and James Van De Ven, for the paper "Torque Ripple Minimization in a Variable Displacement Linkage Motor (VDLM) Through the Customization of Piston Trajectory".



2024 International Maha Fluid Power Conference best paper award

We are happy to share that the GFPS best paper award was awarded during the 2024 International Maha Fluid Power Conference at Purdue University, USA. The recipients are Dinghao Pan, Andrea Vacca, Dan Gysling with the paper "Analysis of the Incomplete Filling of a Positive Displacement Pump Due to Undissolved Gas Involving Experiments and Simulations".


14th IFK Best Paper Award

We are happy to share that the 14th International Fluid Power Conference (14th IFK) in Dresden, best paper award was awarded to Brumand-Poor, Faras; Bauer, Niklas; Plückhahn, Nils; Schmitz, Katharina, from RWTH Aschen University - Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems (ifas), with the paper "Fast Computation of Lubricated Contacts: A Physics-informed Deep Learning Approach". 


PhD Intensive International School

Call for applications to the 1st edition of the PhD School DII4ET on: Towards Zero Emissions Mobility

An educational project of the Department of Industrial Engineering at University of Naples Federico II within the research activities of the Department of Excellence 2023-2027 to promote the internationalization and excellence of PhD courses. 

See below notice and flyer. Deadline: July 15th 


Application to Hold the GFPS 2026 PhD Symposium

The GFPS Board of Directors is looking for applications from GFPS participating institutions for hosting the 2026 edition of the GFPS PhD Symposium.

Below the application form. The present application form will need to be provided to Prof. Victor Juliano De Negri (, member of the Board of Director of GFPS, before October, 15th, 2024.

Application Form to Host GFPS2026.docx


ICFP2025 call for papers-Hangzhou, China

Since its inception in 1985 by Professor Yongxiang Lu, the international conference on fluid power transmission and control (ICFP) has been held consecutively and successfully in Hangzhou every four years. The 11th International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ICFP 2025) will be held on April 14-16, 2025 in Hangzhou, China. The conference is organized by State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Components and Mechatronic Systems at Zhejiang University. This year we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of ICFP.
